Combine Elements Of Two Lists Python

Published On - 6 Mar 2024

In this article we will show you the solution of combine elements of two lists Python, In Python, we can easily combine two lists by using various techniques such as using unpack operator (*)using + operator, using numpy.

Using unpack operator and + operator merge the lists in Python and numpy is the Python library that performs mathematical calculations etc, In numpy, we can use concatenate method to merge the two lists in Python.

Step by step guide on Combine Elements Of Two Lists Python :-

1. Using unpack(*) operator

a=["Python","Java", "C"]
b=["Html", "CSS", "Javascript"]
c=[*a ,*b] #Use unpack(*) to merge both lists
print(c) # ['Python', 'Java', 'C', 'Html', 'CSS', 'Javascript']
  1. We initialize a variable a and b that represents a list of strings.
  2. Then we can use unpack() operator to merge both the lists.
def combine(a,b):
    return [*a,*b]
a=list(map(int,input().split())) #It takes the input of list elements that is integer type
b=list(map(str,input().split()))#It takes the input of list elements that is string type
#input a:1 2 3
#input b: Python C Java
#output: [1, 2, 3, 'Python', 'C', 'Java']
  1. In this code example, we take input from the user.
  2. Firstly, we create a function named combine.
  3. Then we can use unpack operator to return the merged list.
  4. We already initialize a variable a and b that takes a input from user. In variable we take a list of elements that is integer type and in variable b we take a list of elements that is string type.
  5. Then we can call the function combine() to give output.

2. Using (+) operator

c=a+b #merge the lists using (+) operator
print(c) #[8, 6, -2, 0, 8, 4]
  1. We initialize a variable a and b that represents a list of elements.
  2. Then we can use the (+) operator to combine the list.
def combine(a,b):
    return a+b
  1. In this code example, we take input from the user.
  2. Firstly, we create a function named combine.
  3. Then we can use (+) operator to combine both lists.
  4. We already initliaze a variable a and b that takes input from the user. In variable we take a list of elements that is integer type and in variable b we take a list of elements that is string type.
  5. Then we can call the function combine() to give output

3. Using numpy with concatenate() method

import numpy as np
print(e) # [8, 9, -3, 8, 5, 5]
  1. Firstly we can import the numpy library.
  2. We can initialize a variable a and b that takes a list of elements.
  3. Then we can convert the list a and b into a numpy array.
  4. Then we can use concatenate() method to merge both the numpy array and convert it into lists.
import numpy as np
def combine(a,b):
    return list(np.concatenate((c,d)))
  1. In this code example, we take input from the user and also implement a function that merges both lists.
  2. Firstly, we create a function named combine.
  3. Then we can convert the list a and b into a numpy array.
  4. Then we can use concatenate() method to merge both the numpy array and convert it into lists.
  5. We already assign a variable a and b that takes input from the user.
  6. Then we can call the function combine() to give output.

Conclusion :-

In conclusion, we successfully learned how to combine two lists in python.

We used different methods and code examples that were really helpful for learning purposes.

You can choose any one of the mentioned methods and code examples that suit you.

I hope this article on combine elements of two lists Python helps you and the steps and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.